About Us
El Sombrero Azul is a new family-operated food truck that specializes in Mexican and Salvadoran food.
Find us hitting the streets daily, where we’re making sure that your food comes out quick and tastes delicious. Whether you’ve got time to stick around or you’re just coming to grab an on-the-go bite to eat, we got you covered.
El Sombrero Azul es un nuevo camión de comida familiar que se especializa en comida Mexicana y Salvadoreña.
Encuéntrenos saliendo a la calle todos los días, donde nos aseguramos de que su comida salga rápido y tenga un sabor delicioso. Ya sea que tenga tiempo para quedarse o simplemente venga a comer algo sobre la marcha, lo tenemos cubierto.
Schedule and Locations
Where to Find Us
Thanks to our delicious kitchen on wheels, we can go wherever we want to go, whenever we want to go there. Please scroll below to get our updated location schedule and times. Catch us while you can!
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Contact Us
Get in touch to find out more about offerings, menus, catering and special events.